
wb-resource-create-gcp-notebook - Add a controlled GCP notebook instance. For a detailed explanation of some parameters, see


wb resource create gcp-notebook [--description=<description>] [--format=<format>] [--instance-id=<instanceId>] [--location=<location>] [--machine-type=<machineType>] [--post-startup-script=<postStartupScript>] [--user-startup-script=<userStartupScript>] [--workspace=<id>] [-M=<String=String>[, <String=String>…​]]…​ (--id=<id>) [(--vm-image-project=<project> (--vm-image-family=<family> | --vm-image-name=<name>)) | (--container-repository=<repository> [--container-tag=<tag>])] [[--accelerator-type=<type>] [--accelerator-core-count=<coreCount>]] [[--install-gpu-driver] [--custom-gpu-driver-path=<customGpuDriverPath>] ] [[--boot-disk-size=<sizeGb>] [--boot-disk-type=<type>]] [[--data-disk-size=<sizeGb>] [--data-disk-type=<type>]]


Add a controlled GCP notebook instance. For a detailed explanation of some parameters, see



ID of the resource, scoped to the workspace. Only use letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.


Description of the resource.


Workspace id to use for this command only.


Set the format for printing command output: JSON, TEXT. Defaults to the config format property.

Default: null

The unique name to give to the cloud environment. Cannot be changed later. The instance name must be 1 to 63 characters long and contain only lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes. The first character must be a lowercase letter and the last character cannot be a dash. If not specified, a value will be auto-generated for you.


The Google Cloud location of the instance (

Default: us-central1-a

The Compute Engine machine type of this instance (

Default: n1-highmem-2

Path to a Bash script that automatically runs after a notebook instance fully boots up. The path must be a public URL or Cloud Storage path, e.g. 'gs://path-to-file/file-name'. Overrides the default post-startup script.


Path to a Bash script that automatically runs after the post startup script. The path must be a URL or Cloud Storage path, e.g. 'gs://path-to-file/file-name'.

-M, --metadata=<String=String>[,<String=String>…​]

Custom metadata to apply to this instance.

specify multiple metadata in the format of --metadata="key1=value1" -Mkey2=value2.

It allows multiple metadata entries split by "," like --metadata=key1=value1,key2=value2

By default set Workbench CLI server terra-cli-server=[CLI_SERVER_ID]

and the Workbench workspace id (terra-workspace-id=[WORKSPACE_ID]).

Definition of a custom Compute Engine virtual machine image for starting a notebook instance with the environment installed directly on the VM.

If neither this nor --container-* are specified, default to '--vm-image-project=deeplearning-platform-release --vm-image-family=r-latest-cpu-experimental'.


The ID of the Google Cloud project that this VM image belongs to.


Use this VM image family to find the image; the newest image in this family will be used.


Use this VM image name to find the image.

Definition of a container image for starting a notebook instance with the environment installed in a container.


The path to the container image repository. For example: '{project_id}/{imageName}'.


The tag of the container image. If not specified, this defaults to the latest tag.

The hardware accelerator used on this instance.


Type of this accelerator.


Count of cores of this accelerator.

GPU driver configurations.


If true, the end user authorizes Google Cloud to install a GPU driver on this instance.


Specify a custom Cloud Storage path where the GPU driver is stored.

Boot disk configurations.


The size of the disk in GB attached to this instance.


The type of disk attached to this instance, defaults to the standard persistent disk.

Data disk configurations.


The size of the disk in GB attached to this instance.


The type of disk attached to this instance, defaults to the standard persistent disk.

Last Modified: 1 January 0001